Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

So this week has been full of events - not sure exactly where I want to start. Oh and my area is city and open fields - Itaugua is HUGEEEEEE! I will start with our investigators.  So this week we taught Samuel along with a member jose.  We taught him about the Restoration and even shared the Restoration video.  He talked with some Elders a couple years back and he actually remembered some of the doctrine.  The spirit was so strong and he even accepted to get baptized on the 15th of july.  We are hoping that he will continue to grow and commit.  I also had another great experience this week - we were at an inactives house and painted her nails along with her cute daughters.  What was really neat is that I learned a bit of the traditional dance of Paraguay.  There was a huge celebration this week for San Juan.  We also did a Noche de Hogar with the Benitez family.  Sure family to me.  We talked about the 10 commandments.  I also met Carmen who has been an investigator for awhile and we taught her about the Restoration and she accepted to get baptized.  We are working a lot with family history and the member progressing sheet with our recent converts and inactives.  We also helped with a wedding and a baptism for the Elders.  CRAZIEST THING - Hermana Gomez is super sick and we were at the hospital until 11:00 last night. She has had a fever for 3 days.  We didn't even go to church.....  She is getting better.  There is this HUGE flu going around here in Paraguay.  I am actually starting to feel sick, but I'm taking meds and we'll probably take it easy this week.  I was with her the whole time - blood tests, exams, etc It was quite the experience.  Our first time - at least we were going through it together. She is sure a trooper.  We talked with President and Hermana Evans.  The members here are wonderful! They took us down to Asuncion and helped us with the meds and all.  HUGE shoutout to Hermano Acosta! So crazy about Emily's wedding.  A bit bummed that I didn't get a pic in time.  Our District leader picked up my package today and I should get it tomorrow.  We have a meeting with our Distrcit.  Poor Elders had to truck it along with them in collectivos and kept telling me how HUGE it is haha   Also love the trek and Mexico pictures! Sure looks like you guys are busy!  

Hermana Alexander

Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017

MEXICO LOOKS LIKE A BLAST! Seriously LOVE all the pictures - HOT DANGGGGG! I have a good looking family.  Sure a neat experience for you guys!  Seriously so happy that you got some great family time along with serving the people of Mexico.   
So this week was the week for changes and I am in ITAUGUA with Hermana Gomez from Columbia.  We had a great first week together She made me fried banannas - they are like french fries (she bought the banannas green) What is even crazier is that we have had 2 of the same companions - Hna Rodriguez and Hna. Roncallo )  
So we found 3 new people this week.  We are now teaching Beatriz, who is the mom of a recent convert and her husband is a member.  For along time she hasn't wanted to hear from the missionaries, but now she wants us to keep teaching her.  We taught her the Plan of Salvation.  We also met Samuel, he is a friend of a member and he attended church this Sunday.  He participated in our class and even said the closing prayer.  He is ready.  President also spoke in church and afterwards we had a meeting with the youth about preparing to go on a mission.  I am part of a ward with so many youth! It is awesome! We also contacted this young girl and we taught her a bit of lesson 1.  Cannot wait for what happens next week.  Love you guys!  

Hermana Alexander

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017

HEYYYYYYY so sorry that I missed y'all yesterday. It was a holiday in Paraguay so all of the stores/cyphers were closed.  MUCH HAS HAPPENED THIS WEEK!  I will start off by giving you the upates on the changes. SOOOOOOOOOO Hermana Roncallo and I are both leaving Mariano!  We are heading to Campo Grande tonight to spend the night with the Hermanas there and then on Wednesday we will find out where we are going and who we will be with.  Hermana Roncallo and I aren't quite sure if we will be comps for this change, but whatever happens is suppose to happen.  I am really excited to see what's in store! We had a good week and a really great lesson with Naty and her aunt about our purpose here on earth and how Christ is our Savior.  We also had some interesting first contacts..especially with Ericko. 
We had a great reunion today and you will be happy that I took lots of pictures this week. I am sure blessed! This change was sure a journey, but I learned that God always has something greater in store for us - we just have to get over the humps along the way and let Him be in charge. Having a positive attitude is KEY!  The mission is about our investigators, but also sometimes more for our companions.  I sure love every minute of the mission.  I loved all the pictures that you sent.  I totally forgot about the upstage shows! I know that it was great!  I am excited about your Mexico trip! Cannot wait to see all the pictures! Also trek will be a really great experience! Super crazy that School is out! I know that the boys just love that! How awesome about baseball too! I sure love you guys and really feel the love and support! You are the best! LOVE YOU!

Hermana Alexander

Excited to hear from Sister Hilton!

Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017

Hey! So the Temple trip didn't quite work out this week, but we'll go soon! This week was a good week and full of many interesting events.  I was able to meet recent converts, Erica and Yanina.  They are the cutest.  We sang and shared a message with them.  They even showed me their pigs - got some pictures with them.   Earilier this week, we went to the hospital to do some test for Hermana Roncallo.  We will be back in Asuncion on wednesday. The first test she had was negative, so hopefully the second will be the same and we can go from there.  Today we had a good P day - we had a yummy lunch and we went with two other Hermanas.  As for the work we are doing our best.  We are just planting seeds and continue inviting people to feel the love that God has for them (one time visit or contact) - just sharing our Testimonies on the streets.  We have faith that Naty is growing spiritually and recieving a testimony.  Also changes are coming up! We find out the news this Sunday! Sounds like you will have a great summer! Super exciting about Mexico and Trek. I sure love you all and really appreciate all your prayers.  I love you guys! 

Random Things 
We had two rappers sing on the bus
I got a HUGE hair in my eye from this other woman (we were on the bus - it was the entertainment)
We ran out of gas on our stove (was sunday so we did noodles in a cup)
Rains, stops, POURSSS